
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dreamy Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal

I take pride in saying that I am a breakfast eater. I cannot remember a time when I didn't eat breakfast before starting my day; in fact, it has become somewhat of a ritual for me. While I sit enjoying my morning meal and cup of coffee, I read a book or some of my favorite blogs, or simply sit and reflect upon what my day will bring. Generally, this takes up about 20 minutes, time that some would say is a total waste. In fact, Eric goes from sleeping to walking out the door in less time than it takes for me to finish eating; however, I would not trade this time for anything. Eating breakfast helps me to wake completely and organize my thoughts for the day ahead.

One of my favorite things to eat for breakfast is oatmeal. It's creamy, delicious, good-for-me, and so versatile that the options are endless. Don't have raisins? Chop up a banana, apple, or any other fruit/dried fruit you have on hand. Don't like cinnamon? Skip it! Allergic to dairy? Sub in almond or soy milk for equally fantastic results! Missing that crunch of dry cereal? Add some nuts! On top of all that, it is one of the only things I've found that keeps me full for more than two hours. It's also pretty cheap to make, which makes it a winner in all categories. And unlike steel cut oats, you can whip up these oats in less than 10 minutes!

Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal
makes 1 serving

1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
1/2 cup milk*
1/2 cup water
1 tsp. vanilla
1-2 Tbsp. raisins
pinch of salt
pure maple syrup, honey, or whatever sweetener you prefer (optional)

- Put all ingredients into small saucepan over medium heat. Stir gently to combine. You can walk away and do other things until you see them start to bubble, which will take about 3-5 minutes. Generally, I make my coffee and pack my lunch during this time. 
- When you see it start to bubble, begin to stir it. Depending upon how vigorously it is bubbling, you can either stir continually or give it a stir and continue about your business. You aim here is to keep it from burning on the bottom. 
- When it does start to bubble vigorously, you want to stand next to it and stir constantly until you achieve the texture you want. I like mine a little liquid-y, but Eric likes his thicker, so it's entirely based on your preferences. Another reason to love oatmeal!
- Put in your bowl and top with sweetener. I LOVE maple syrup on yummy! This is really up to your preference; you can skip it all together or pour it on!

*I like the milk in these oats because it adds to the creaminess and the added fat keeps me full longer. However, you can totally skip the milk and double the water if your concerned about the added calories/fat. Your oats will still be creamy and delicious :)
**I like a lot of cinnamon, so I put a lot in. You can add however much your little heart desires! I might suggest you add less than you think--you can always stir in more after you've given the finished product a taste.

Nutrition Facts:
Calories: 275  Carbs: 45 grams Fat: 5 grams Protein: 14 grams
These facts are based on 2% milk and do not include sweetener



  1. Looks yummy! And since you me some last time I was there, I can honestly say it is:-) I, too, love the wonderful flavor pure maple syrup gives it.
