
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fresh Vegetable Dip

I don't know about you, but I love to snack. I snack mid-morning and again mid-afternoon, and sometimes even after dinner! Even though I always make sure that I am actually hungry before I eat (not just thirsty or bored), I'm accumulating a lot of extra calories with all that snacking. To balance this, I try to snack on things that are good for me, like greek yogurt, cheese, fruit, vegetables, or my homemade granola. I love all of these things, except one: vegetables. Cooked vegetables are one thing; I've yet to try a cooked veggie that I didn't like! Raw veggies, however, get me every time. The concept is great: crisp vegetables with that wonderful crunch and lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber...all things that are wonderful for my body. I just don't like them. I've tried, lots of times. It just isn't gonna happen without a little help.

Enter the wonder that is vegetable dip. Store bought...not so much. Too many useless calories that my body can't use. Homemade, however, and we have a different story. It's creamy, luscious, and has enough nutrition value to be included in the "healthy snack" category. Plus, it's super easy to make! So, I decided to share my go-to recipe. The original used sour cream as a base; however, I subbed in plain yogurt with fantastic results. The first time I made this recipe, I used plain greek yogurt, which made a thicker dip. I couldn't find any big containers of plain greek yogurt at the store this time (and didn't have time to strain out the whey) so instead I used regular plain yogurt. It's still yummy, just a bit thinner than when I used greek yogurt. I think Eric and I liked it thicker (and it made it easier to gob it on) but it's completely a preference thing!

Oh, and by the way, these pictures? Totally not the way I eat mine! Before I pop that broccoli spear into my mouth, that thing is so covered in dip that it looks like cauliflower! Yumm! Vegetable Dip with just a hint of broccoli :)

Fresh Vegetable Dip
makes approximately 2 1/2 cups of dip
adapted from Taste of Home

1 1/2 cup plain yogurt (greek or regular)
3/4 cup mayonnaise
1 1/2 Tbsp. dried minced onion
1 tsp. dried dill weed (if fresh, use 1 Tbsp.)
1 tsp. dried parsley (if fresh, use 1 Tbsp.)
1 tsp. garlic salt
dash Worcestershire sauce

- Combine all ingredients into a bowl, preferably one with a lid. Chill in the refrigerator for a least one hour to let all of the ingredients get cozy with each other.
- Enjoy with your favorite vegetables!

Nutrition Facts: 1 serving = 2 Tbsp.
Calories: 55 Carbs: 1 gram Fat: 5 grams Protein: 1 gram


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